Mainland Business Setup & Support Program

Setting up a Mainland business in the UAE offers entrepreneurs freedom of operation without geographical restrictions, enabling them to work with both the local and international markets. Unlike Freezones, Mainland companies can operate throughout the UAE without limitation and participate in government tenders. This model is ideal for companies looking for an extensive physical presence and total flexibility. Emiralink guides investors through the process of setting up a Mainland company, from legal registration to administration, ensuring smooth integration and compliance with local regulations.

‘‘A Mainland business structure in the UAE is the foundation for long-term growth-unrestricted operations, full market access, and global expansion.’’

Mainland registered companies benefit from direct access to the local market and increased recognition by authorities and business partners. Thanks to recent changes in legislation, it is now possible to own a 100% Mainland company without the need for a local sponsor for several business sectors. Emiralink facilitates every stage of the process, including the management of business licences, regulatory compliance and the opening of bank accounts. With a structure tailored to the ambitions of entrepreneurs, the Mainland model offers unique flexibility to develop and sustain your business in the UAE.

    We facilitate your expatriation and investments with a tailored approach and proven expertise.

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      Contact Info

      Mon - Frd : 8:00 -16:00
      +974 50 704 8033

      Office Address

      28 Valencia Street, New York United States of America